VIEWS BY ISLAMIC POLYGAMY This Essay Prepared To Meet Duties of Religious Education Prepared by: Name: Indar Luh ...


This Essay Prepared To Meet
Duties of Religious Education

Prepared by:

Name: Indar Luh Sepdyanuri

1.1 BackgroundPolygamy is an act that is currently still the pros and cons in the community. This difference of opinion dikarenakana / views of the public. There are still many who think polygamy is a negative act.

This happens because polygamy is considered to harm the women and is only beneficial for men only. In Indonesia alone, there is still no law stating whether polygamy should be done.

The goal is to get the family life and spiritual happiness. But with the Polligami made her husband, happiness in the family may be lost. This is certainly detrimental for the wife and children because they think it will not get fair treatment from her husband.

Diverse society's view of polygamy, there is an agreement but also there who disagree or oppose even more so for women who feel aggrieved, at having to share it with others. This is influenced by the family economy that does not allow polygamy.

Based on the description that I chose the title "Polygamy According to Islam's view" to find out more about the issue of polygamy is still a pros cons of society.

1.2 Limitation ProblemKeeping plenulisan limited time in this scholarly work, I just limit discussions of polygamy according to Islamic view.Objectives 1.3 Limitations IssuesTo know about the Islamic view of polygamy is still a pro konra in the community.1.4 Methods of WritingI use the methods of research and literature in particular and in making scientific writing this I look for data or references from reading some books from several sources and the internet about polygamy. And perhaps most to be my reference is from the internet.

1.5 Systematics of Writing
1.1 Background
1.2 Limitation Problem
1.3 Objectives Issues Discussion
1.4 Methods of Writing
1.5 Systematics of Writing
2.1 Definition of Polygamy
2.1.1 Definition of Polygamy According to Islam's view
2.1.2 Definition of Polygamy According to Scholars
2.2 Factors that influence a person's polygamous
2.2.1 Biological FactorsInternal Factors 
2.2.2 Household
2.2.3 Social Factors
2.3 Impact of PolygamyPolygamy 
2.3.1 Negative Impact on Family Life
2.3.2 Negative Impact of Polygamy on WifePolygamy 
2.3.3 Negative Impact on Children
2.4 The view I as a student AKPRIND against Polygamy
3.1 Terms Allowing for PolygamyWisdom 
3.2 Allowing for PolygamyCHAPTER IV CLOSING


2.1 Definition of PolygamyIn social anthropology, polygamy is the practice of marriage to more than one husband or wife (according to the gender of the person concerned) once at a time (as opposed to monogamy, in which a person has only one husband or wife at a time).

There are three forms of polygamy, the polygamy (one man having several wives at once), polyandry (one woman having several husbands at once), and group marriage (English: group marriage, which is a combination of polygamy and polyandry). The third form of polygamy is found in history, yet polygamy is the most common form.

Although permitted in some cultures, polygamy is opposed by some. Particularly opposed polygyny feminists, because they regard polygyny as a form of oppression to the wanita.Islam basically a man to more than one wife (polygyny).

Islam allows a man married to four wives provided that the husband should be able to do justice to all his wives (Surat an-Nisa verse 3 4:3).

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Polygyny in Islam both in law and practice, applied varies in each country with a majority Muslim population. In Indonesia alone there are laws that tighten the rules for civil servants polygyny, and is in the discourse to apply to the general public.

Tunisia is an example of Arab countries where polygyny is not allowed. According to Gustave Le Bon, in Europe there are no practices or traditions of the east which was criticized by so aggressively than polygamy.

2.1.1 Polygamy According to Islam's viewPolygamy is one of the issues highlighted sharp feminists, feminist Islam is no exception. Polygamy is a sign of Islam which is the sunna of the Prophet Muhammad is on condition the husband has the ability to be fair among the isteri.Sebagai where the verse that artiya:

Bi ÷) ÷ ur LäêøÿÅz? Wr & (# qäÜÅ ¡ø) è? ?? IU 4?? UK »tGu?? O9 $ # (# qßsÅ3R $ $ su $ tB z> z` $ su Nä3s9 IIb he! $ | $ # ¡ÏiY9 4Óo_ WTB ÷ y] »n = èOur yi» t / â?? ur (÷ bi * su óOçFøÿÅz? wr & (# qä9Ï?? ÷ ice? · oy?? in º uqsù ÷ rr & $ tB ôMs3n = tB öNä3ãY »yj ÷?? r & 4 y7Ï9 º s?? #?? oT ÷ ?? r &?? wr & (# qä9qãès? CIE"

And if you fear you will not be able to do justice to the (rights) female orphans (if ye marry), then marry women (the other) that you like, two, three or four. Then if you fear you can not do justice, then (marry) only one, or the slaves which ye have. That is much closer than not doing injustice. "(QS.An-Nisa verse 3)`

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And you never will be able to do justice between wives (mu), even if you really want to do so, because it's not your terlalau inclined (to which you love), so you leave the other hanging." ( QS.An-Nisa verse 129)In addition, the absence of Quranic verses and the sunna of the Prophet which depict possible or prohibiting polygamy. Indeed regulated polygamy in Islam does not allow for men to get in touch with the woman he loved outside of marriage.Polygamy is a system of humane, because it can ease the burden on the community is to protect women who are not husbands and wives put them into rows of preserved and safeguarded.2.1.2 Definition of Polygamy According to ScholarsMany scholars who spoke about polygamy, the statements and comments that it conveys, is expected to be food for thought and input for me, as well as add my insights about the phenomenon of polygamy and the reality that occurs in society.According to Prof. Dr. Musdah Noble, MA, lecturer Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University graduate,"Polygamy is forbidden lighairih, which is forbidden because of adverse effects and excess-eskes caused."He also claimed to have data showing that the practice of polygamy in the community has raised a very crucial issue and a very big social problem. So is the height of Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence), cracking household and neglect of children.

Prof. Dr. Quraish Shihab said, "Polygamy is similar to an aircraft emergency exit, which should only be opened in certain emergency circumstances."The same thing also presented by the Chairman of the NU, KH. Hasyim, "Polygamy is like an emergency exit (emergency exit) which is provided for those in need." In another occasion, he also said, "Polygamy or monogamy is a choice given to men of Islam, they do not need dikontradiksikan."

Dr. KH. Miftah Faridh (Director PUSDAI Jabar), also have similar views, "Polygamy in the view of Islam is one solution that can be done umtuk solve various social problems facing mankind. Polygamy does not need to be challenged, let alone to cause a rift ukhuwah Islamiyah, while if there is not yet ready to do it, that's another matter. "

The same opinion, also delivered by prof. Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo. Jurist graduate of the University of Al-Azhar of Egypt declares that polygamy in accordance with Islamic Shari'a. According to him, the right of polygamy to the husband and wife have been compensated with the right to demand cancellation of the ceremony by way khul'a, that is when the husband act arbitrarily against his wife. Clearly the wife allows her husband to fair condition. This requirement is a tribute to women, if not met will lead to sin. If the husband does not do justice to his wives, meaning he did not mu'asyarah bil ma'ruf (mix well) to them.

The main director of the Islamic Consultation Centre, Dr. Surahman Hidayat, said, "Marriage is whether polygamy or monogamy, not to menzalimi anyone. Precisely for the establishment of happiness, which in turn manifested households sakinah mawaddah rahman wa. "

Tawhid Darut pesantren leaders, KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar or familiar as Aa Gym, said before he was polygamous, "Polygamy is an Islamic law that is an emergency. Discourse about polygamy that needs to be known and understood. Therefore, polygamy discourse need not disputed by Muslims. In many places the lecture, I often propagate discourses on polygamy, because it is the teachings of Islam. If my own, until now still not ready to practice polygamy. For now I've felt happy to live with one wife and seven children entrusted by Allaah. "And after he was officially married isrti both, many statements that he delivered. Among others, he said, "I am concerned with the existence of unfavorable view of polygamy. As if the perpetrators of polygamy is a criminal who has done a very great crime ". But he also does not menganjurjan congregation to polygamy, "If there is no knowledge, better not", he said.

Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi said, "In essence what is done by the west on this day with all forms of adultery they are doing, is nothing but a form of polygamy, though not in formal form. Or in other words, polygamy is illegal. "2.2 Factors Affecting PolygamyAccording to Abu Azzam Abdillah, many factors that often motivates a man to do polygamy. During the drive does not deviate from the provisions of the Shari'a, of course there is no blemish, and the prohibition to do so. Here are some key factors to be considered in performing polygamous men.2.2.1 Biological Factors

a. Wife of PainThe existence of a wife who suffered from a disease that does not allow him to serve the sexual desires of her husband. For that righteous man will choose polygamy from the energy to places with some nasty trull

b. Sexual desire is HighSome men have the passion and sexual desire are high and buoyant, so for him a wife is not considered sufficient to channel these passions.

c. Routines Natural Every WomanThe existence of menstrual periods, pregnancy and childbirth, the main reason a woman can not run one of the obligations towards her husband. If the husband can put up with such conditions, would not be a problem. But if the husband including the high sexual desire, a few days his wife having periods, it is feared her husband could not take care of myself, then polygamy can be a choice.

d. Fertile Period Older MenInfertile men have a longer period than women. Doctors Boyke, a sexologist, recognize many to handle affairs of men aged 40-50 years, because at that age he got a second puberty, while the wives generally became frigid.Internal Factors 2.2.2 HouseholdAccording to the book 'Black & White Polygamy', there are some internal factors that encourage households to polygamous husbands.

a. SterilityMany divorce cases are motivated by the problem of infertility, sterility that occurs in both husbands and wives experienced. This happens because a person's desire to have offspring is one of the main purposes of marriage does.In such conditions, a wife who is wise and shalihah will certainly heartened and pleased when the husband marries another woman who can give offspring. On the other hand, the husband's first wife tetep positioned as someone who has a place in his heart, still loved, and lived happily with him.

b. Weak wifeWhen the husband found his wife in very limited circumstances, not able to complete tasks rumahtangganya well, can not lead and educate his children, weak insight into science and religion, and other forms lainnya.maka shortage at that time, the possibility of the husband glanced Another woman who thinks better, could have terjadi.dan should be tolerant of his wife even happier, because there will be women lainyang help solve the problem of the household, without going to lose the love and affection of her husband.

c. Bad PersonalityWife who is not clever grateful, demanding, wasteful, like say rude, irritable, not willing to accept advice and obtaining husband wanted to win myself, usually do not like her husband. Therefore, it is not uncommon to start thinking husband to marry another woman who is better and more shalihah, especially if the character and bad character of the wife can not be repaired anymore.2.2.3 Social Factors

a. Number of Number of WomenIn Indonesia, in Election 1999, voter turnout was only 48% male, while female voters as much as 52%. Means of the 110 million people of voters, the number of women is 57.2 million people and 52.8 million The number of men. Though age is the age of the voters were ready for marriage.

b. Marriage Readiness and Life Expectancy in WomenIf I try to do a survey on the issue of readiness to marry, the women would be more numerous than in number than men. Even in certain areas, women aged 14-16 years many have married, and 20-year-old woman who felt it was too late to get married. Some opinion also say that the life expectancy of women, longer life expectancy than men, the difference ranges from 5-6 years. So do not be surprised if more husbands who first died, while his widowed wife should live in a very long time, with no one to nurture, protect, and no one gives a decent living.

c. Reduced Number of MenThe most obvious impact caused by the large number of deaths in men is the increasing number of groups possess who lost her husband and forced to live menjanda.lalu who will be responsible for nurturing, protective and meet a living birth and she thought, if they continue to be widowed? Solution tida another, unless married again with a bachelor, or widower, or enter the life of polygamy by men who have a more noble beristri.itulah solution, kosher and baradab.

d. Environment and TraditionEnvironment where I live and move very great influence in mempentuk character and attitude of a person's life. A husband will be moved to do polygamy, if he lived in the neighborhood or community that maintains a tradition of polygamy.Instead it would be antipathy, hesitate and think a thousand times to do so, if the environment and traditions that exist around it considers polygamy as a taboo and bad, so they are harassing and degrading the perpetrators.

e. Economic stabilityThis is one of the most common motivators polygamy I find in modern life today. Success in business and economy mapannya someone, often cultivate an attitude of confidence and belief in its ability to support more than one wife.2.3 Negative Impact of Polygamy2.3.1 Against Domestic LifeThe impact of polygamy on family life, among others:

Family relationship disharmony.
Often problems arise or percek-cokan.
Believes in the absence of mutual.
The absence of a major concern of children and husband against wife.
The possibility can lead to divorce.2.3.2 Impact of the General Happened Against WifeAccording to the book 'To Husband Not polygamy', the general effects that can occur for wives whose husbands are polygamous,Psychological Impact: feeling inferior wife and blamed himself because he felt her husband's act of polygamy is a result of the inability of her husband's biological needs.The economic impact of households: economic dependence on husbands. Although there are some husbands can indeed be fair to his wives, but in practice is more common that the husband is more concerned with a young wife and abandoning his wife and children earlier .. As a result the wife who does not have a job would be very difficult to cover their daily needs. Violence against women, whether physical, economic, sexual or psychological. This is common in polygamous households, although such violence also occurs in monogamous households.Legal effect: Frequent marriage under the hands of (the marriage that is not recorded in the Office of Civil Registry or the Office of Religious Affairs), so the marriage is considered invalid by the state, although the marriage is valid according to religion. Parties of women will be harmed because of the consequences of a marriage does not exist, such as inheritance rights and so on.Health impact: Habits changing partners causes a husband / wife to be vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and even vulnerable contracting HIV / AIDS.2.3.3 Negative Impact of Child Against Polygamy

Polygamy is not only a negative impact on the lives of households and wives, but polygamy is also impacting negatively on children, among others:

The child was not getting the attention of his parents.
Children become frustrated with the situation of their parents.
Children's mental pressure.
The existence of hate to the father.
Mocked by his friends.
Children do not feel at home.
Did not rule out the child into doing deeds that are not good.
Children follow a negative association.
Children are not the spirit of learning.10. The child becomes a negative opinion towards parents.

2.4 The view I as AKPRIND IST Students Against Polygamy

In my own as a single student about polygamy. Whether or not polygamy is allowed depends on the individual people who want to live it, maybe with all the careful considerations. What consequences would arise seelah he did so.

But I had to ask the opinion of my friends "what do you think about polygamy?". And their answers varied:

Oppress women and indirectly trampled self-esteem of women.
It is unfair to women
Hurting women
Could damage the family's happiness
Sanctions in the next very big if it can not be fair

Negative impact on childrenI could tell that most of my friends do not agree to polygamy. Many of them still think that polygamy is an act that is not good. Good friend of men and women assume that polygamy will only cause conflicts or problems that can damage the harmony of a family. Few of those who claim to agree on polygamy. Although small, this proves that there are still those who regard polygamy from the positive side, and condone polygamy as long as the reason is clear.Most of of my friends do not think there should be an Act to regulate polygamy. Because they think that polygamy is the right of every person and no hadiths or AL-Quran verse which explicitly prohibit polygamy. However, there is also the opinion that an Act to regulate polygamy is necessary, because it can clarify the law on polygamy in Indonesia.In their neighborhood there are rarely any people who practice polygamy. If any, only a few people who have a neighbor or a polygamous family. I only found two cases which say that his own father who did so. There are claims that his own father did so plans will follow in the footsteps of his father. While there is also a claim to his father's polygamy, claiming to hate his father and felt sorry for his mother. Of the two cases, I can know that polygamy brings negative impacts for children. Children will hate his parents and will follow the footsteps of his father. There is also a polygamist who has a neighbor, said people who practice polygamy and husbands are rarely less harmonious home. Even so husbands are still responsible and provide for the family.From the above, most of my friends did not oppose or agree to polygamy, especially women. But still there who agree to polygamy because they thought polygamy was one way of avoiding adultery and elevating women who do not have a husband.My friends also mentioned some things that cause someone polygamy, namely:Not to Have OffspringOne purpose of marriage is to have offspring. The possibility of a husband and wife who do not have children, although long-married would be overcome with worry and desire to have children even bigger. To that end, a faithful husband prefer polygamy to get a descent rather than having to divorce his wife.Bored At WifeCal boredom often arise in domestic life. If the wife is not good at keeping his appearance, he will tend to saturate and choose to get married again.CarnalityMost assume that the passions are the main factors a person's polygamy. Because as I know that the ratio of the passions of men and women is 9: 1. Therefore, the pious man who can not resist his desires will choose polygamy rather than adultery.Young Couple SeekingIf the husband feels he is still handsome, well dressed and well established in the economy will find itself still deserves to have another couple of younger compared to his first wife.Wife Less SatisfactoryGood service from wife to husband is very important to maintain harmony in the household. Not only biological services, but also services in other things, such as cooking, cleaning the house and look after the children.From these data, it is clear that most of my friends that I ask for opinion do not approve of polygamy with a variety of reasons.


3.1 Terms Allowing for PolygamyTerms of seotrang Islam demanded that Muslims will perform his polygamy is the belief that he could do justice between the two wives or wives in terms of food, drink, shelter, clothing, and living. Anyone who lack confidence in his ability to meet these rights with fairly as adilny, haramlah for him to marry more than one woman. Allah says:bi) ÷ ur LäêøÿÅz? wr & (# qäÜÅ ¡ø) è? ?? IU 4?? UK »tGu?? O9 $ # (# qßsÅ3R $ $ su $ tB z> z` $ su Nä3s9 IIb he! $ | $ # ¡ÏiY9 4Óo_ WTB ÷ y] »n = èOur yi» t / â?? ur (÷ bi * su óOçFøÿÅz? wr & (# qä9Ï?? ÷ ice? · oy?? in º uqsù ÷ rr & $ tB ôMs3n = tB öNä3ãY »yj ÷?? r & 4 y7Ï9 º s?? #?? oT ÷ ?? r &?? wr & (# qä9qãès? CIE"So if you worry about not being able to be fair, it is enough just one." (An-Nisa: 3)He Almighty also said:"Whoever has two wives, while he is more inclined to one between them, then on the Day of Judgement will come by dragging one of the parts of the body that dropped or tilted."Oblique warned in this hadith is the injustice in his rights, not just fellow feeling, because the latter includes the hard-filled, even understandable and forgivable Allah.According to some scholars, after reviewing the verses on polygamy, they have established that according to its origin, Islam actually is monogamous. There are verses that contain adequate warnings to ugutan and polygamy is not misused in places that are not reasonable. This all aims to avoid the occurrence of injustice. However, polygamy is allowed on condition that it be done in times of urgency to address the matters that can not be overcome by another road. Or in other words that polygamy was permitted by Islam and not prohibited except if dikhuatirkan that kindness will be defeated by its ugliness.So, as talaq, it was also the case with polygamy is allowed kerana want to find a way out of trouble. Islam allows polygamy followers passages based on the Shari'a and the reality the state of society. This bererti he should not be done with his authority arbitrarily in order to achieve the welfare of Islamic society, in order to maintain altitude and the manners of the Muslims.By the way, if a man be polygamous, he should meet the following requirements;

1. Limiting the number of wives who would dikahwininya.This provision has been mentioned by Allah (SWT) by His Word;

Bi ÷) ÷ ur LäêøÿÅz? Wr & (# qäÜÅ ¡ø) è? ?? IU 4?? UK »tGu?? O9 $ # (# qßsÅ3R $ $ su $ tB z> z` $ su Nä3s9 IIb he! $ | $ # ¡ÏiY9 4Óo_ WTB ÷ y] »n = èOur yi» t / â?? ur (÷ bi * su óOçFøÿÅz? wr & (# qä9Ï?? ÷ ice? · oy?? in º uqsù ÷ rr & $ tB ôMs3n = tB öNä3ãY »yj ÷?? r & 4 y7Ï9 º s?? #?? oT ÷ ?? r &?? wr & (# qä9qãès? CIE"So you sesiapa berkahwinlah with air-Kenan of women (other): two, three or four." (Qur'an, Surah an-Nisak ​​paragraph 3)The above verse clearly explains that God has ordained it berkahwin person should not be more than four wives. So, Islam limits if one had none, allowed two, three or four only.

This restriction is also aimed at curtailing the men who like women not to do as he pleased. In addition, the limitation of four wives, is expected not to any man who does not find a wife or there are also women who do not find a husband. Maybe, if Islam permits the wife just two people, it will be many women who are not married. If it also allowed more than four, there may be many men do not acquire wives.

2. Forbidden for a husband to collect the women who still have kinship became his wife.For example, berkahwin with brothers and sisters, mothers and their children, brothers with sisters both Mother left father and mother.

The purpose of this prohibition is to keep silaturrahim between family members. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, meaning;

"Surely if you do that so that, as a result you will decide silaturrahim among you." (Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim)

Then in the following hadith, the Prophet (saw) also strengthen this prohibition, that is;

That Urnmu Habibah (wife of the Prophet) proposed that the king married her sister. So he replied: "Indeed he is not lawful for me." (Narrated by Bukhari and Nasa'i)

A friend named Fairuz Ad-Dailamy after embracing Islam, he told the Prophet that his wife has a brother and sister. So the Prophet told him to choose one of them and divorce the other. So it has been agreed on collecting illegitimate brothers in Islam.

3. Also required to be fair,as it was spoken of Allah (SWT);
Bi ÷) ÷ ur LäêøÿÅz? Wr & (# qäÜÅ ¡ø) è? ?? IU 4?? UK »tGu?? O9 $ # (# qßsÅ3R $ $ su $ tB z> z` $ su Nä3s9 IIb he! $ | $ # ¡ÏiY9 4Óo_ WTB ÷ y] »n = èOur yi» t / â?? ur (÷ bi * su óOçFøÿÅz? wr & (# qä9Ï?? ÷ ice? · oy?? in º uqsù ÷ rr & $ tB ôMs3n = tB öNä3ãY »yj ÷?? r & 4 y7Ï9 º s?? #?? oT ÷ ?? r &?? wr & (# qä9qãès? CIE
"Then if ye falter not be fair (in between your wives), then (kahwinlah with) only one, or (wear) female slaves you had. That is much closer (to prevent) that ye may not do injustice. "(Qur'an, Surah an-Nisa verse 3)

Expressly explained and demanded that their husbands would be fair if polygamy. Suppose that fear can not be fair if up to four wives, it is enough just three people. But if even then still not be fair, it is enough only two. And if the two were still khuatir may not be fair, let alone marry one.

The mufassirin argue that it must be fair. Bererti fair here is not only unfair to the wife only, but contain adequate erti absolutely fair. Therefore, a husband should be fair as follows:

Do justice to himself.A husband who is always sick and had difficulty to work for a fortune, it certainly will not be able to maintain multiple wives. If he's still practice polygamy, he's been beat at this bererti himself. Such attitude is not fair.

Justice among the wives.Every wife entitled to the rights of each of her husband, in the form of romance soul relationship, a living form of food, clothing, shelter and other matters that are required of God to every husband.Justice among wives is obligatory, according to the word of Allah in Surah an-Nisak ​​paragraph 3 and also the Sunnah Prophet.

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